Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Weekend

Christmas on Saturday and a blizzard on Sunday. It was a homebound weekend.

Monday, December 27, 2010


The day after Christmas brought a blizzard to the city. Housebound all day after sleeping off the Christmas dinner food coma (preceded by the Boy's mother's cooking food coma) and playing with our new toys, we planned to go see a movie. However, the weather changed our minds, yet being inside all day and night wasn't a satisfying way to pass a day off. So, with our neighbor Joel, we layered up and bundled ourselves out the door into the storm to get a drink.

We headed down Troutman towards Tandem, only to discover the bar wisely shuttered. We turned back and stopped by 250 for another layer and then re-treaded our way towards Roberta's.

The restaurant was not entirely empty. I removed my upper layers, and set my wet socks on the seat to warm up. With my feet bare under the table we studied the menu.

Joel and I each ordered a mug of eggnog laced with bourbon. The Boy ordered a Cheeses Christ pizza, which he shared. We topped of the night with a glass of beer each - a lager for Joel, an ale for the Boy, and a pilsner for myself.

And then we headed back through the heavy winds and stretching drifts of snow towards the warmth of home.


The Gift
Lt. Blender's Eggnog in a Bag, 12-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 3)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Are your neighbors giving you sideways glances?