Friday, October 14, 2005

Loose Ends

1) My foot - the angiogram showed nothing abnormal or unusual, just a moderately slow flow of blood in and out of the foot. The pain went away on its own. The podiatrist decided I have a ganglion instead of a cyst. It's still fat though. That's ongoing.

2) Hewlett Packard - Even though they laid off 2,100 workers in France this month and have had a hiring freeze for one year, Douglas landed a 12 month internship with their office in Grenoble. He's working on updating the company's accounting processes to bring them into line with the post-Enron Sarbanes-Oxley Legislation.

3) Lycee Vaucanson - My Assistant d'Anglais contract began on October 1, but the school isn't ready for me yet. I begin on Monday the 17th instead. Being paid for the whole month, of course.

4) French Classes - I'm enrolling in classes again at the Alliance Francaise. Started this week.

5) NYC - Great town. Although frightening with some of the security and post-New Orleans I'm not convinced they have a good evacuation plan should the city should sink into the East River.

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