Sunday, November 20, 2005

Brik Doree

Off of Place aux Herbes

Grenoble is usually quiet on Sunday afternoons. Shops and most restaurants are closed. Some kebab shops do open however. Today I met Eve (again) and Toni for coffee. Toni is another English Assistant, living in St. Marcelan. It's a small city about an hour away. Small and quaint, but without the quaint. She says that if there was a Worst Placement Contest among the language assistants she'd win hands down. She survives be escaping to other cities on the weekends. This week it was Grenoble.

Eve had a kebab with white sauce, sans frites, and Toni ordered the same but changed it to a couscous and chicken dish with a bowl of vegetables swimming in oil/fat after spying the same thing at the next table. I had two cups of coffee. We all had baklava and dates after.

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