Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Le Touring Hotel

Avenue Alsace-Lorraine

After rollerblading from the Maison de Culture and along the path by the old train tracks, Eve and I descended on one of our standby cafes.

Discussing options for evenings out, Eve proposed side by side nightclubs for gay men and their straight female friends. Or vice versa. She logically explained that with one cover charge and a single coat check but two dance floors everyone could find what they were looking for. Straight men would stay in the women's section without their primal fear of being seduced by the fitter, more attractive, and younger looking gay counterparts and straight women would have the chance to spent a night out with their gay male friends but without the eventual disappointment of taking a taxi home alone.

She wasn't sure that a third section for lesbians fit into the concept. Maybe a corner with a bulletin board for casserole recipe exchanges.

Eve drank a demi-peche and I downed a citron a l'eau.

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