Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Renaissance Cafe

Place aux Herbes

The day before leaving France I met Nadine, my first French teacher, to say goodbye. Also invited was one of her newer students, Monica, from Argentina via Italy. We discussed the variety of students at the Alliance Francaise and Monica's experiences in Nice. Before moving to Grenoble, Monica lived in Nice for a short time. I'm not certain on the details, but I think she was living with an elderly couple and keeping house. Within three months they both died and she was left without employment. And not speaking much French.

This story was told with a lot of humor. Dark humor. Nadine found it extra humorous because after a spring trip to Nice I emailed her several pictures of a cemetery there. I think it's normal to visit cemeteries and take pictures. Nadine disagreed.

Nadine had a demi, Monica drank a Schweppes, and I had a citron a l'eau.

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