Sunday, December 13, 2009

Esperanto and Terrace 5

For Devin's birthday, a small group of friends met for brunch at this bistro noted for its South American menu and music. I abstained from drinking while everyone else enjoyed a Mojito or Bloody Mary.  I stuck to a simple fruit-yogurt-granola bowl with mint leaves while the others had eggs prepared a variety of ways with potatoes and salads.

After the meal, we walked Devin to a tattoo parlor to contemplate his options.

Later, the Boy in the Checkered Shirt and I went uptown with Luswin to visit the Tim Burton exhibit at MoMA.  There were no tickets available for the show, so we toured the museum's permanent collection instead.  Meer's friend Guy was in town from Connecticut and joined us as Luswin headed back to New Jersey.  We stepped into the museum's cafe for a coffee, café americain, and cappuccino.

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