Sunday, December 20, 2009


It was the final Sunday before Christmas and I needed to finish (and in many cases start) my holiday shopping.  Before heading into Manhattan, the Boy in the Checkered Shirt and I went to this Williamsburg tavern for a good brunch.  The snow from the night before was thick in the streets still and we were decked for the cold, from the ground up in thermal underwear and topped off in hoodies.

We sat at a small table in the front window.  Halfway through the meal we were exposed to the unpleasantness of another patron seated at the bar.  We were hungry, so it didn't chase our appetites away.

I ordered the eggs and chicken sausage, opting for my eggs scrambled with cheese.  He ordered steak and poached eggs.  Coffee and water for both.

After the meal we wandered around Williamsburg, playing in the cold and snow, hiked over the Bridge, and cherished the warmth of Burger King when we arrived in Manhattan.

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