Sunday, November 07, 2010

Chez Frank

With our extra hour from the end of daylight savings time, the Boy in the Checkered Shirt and I went to Frank's new place in Chelsea for brunch. Frank is subletting the apartment for the next year and it is lovely.

Amusing to me, it is a railroad apartment. Reminiscent of a trailer, these narrow floorplans dot the city. They can be difficult to decorate, cohabitate, and entertain in due to their flowing layout. In Bushwick they are the standard and a stumbling block to the neighborhood's gentrification.

But in Chelsea, Frank's place is stunning. Wood floors, intact molding, open doors, southern exposure, and ingeniously created closets plus the comfortable leather club chair made the afternoon a relaxing end to the weekend.

When we arrived he had French sandwiches, grapes and cantelope, mint tea, nuts, chips and hummus waiting for us.

We followed the meal with a walk down the High Line.
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