Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Today on the L Train

I did not witness either of these, but the L Train has been in the news lately.

After learning of the death of Osama bin Laden, one patriotic Brooklynite tried to get his hipster neighbors excited during their commute. Predictably, it didn't go over so well.

Also in the ether, others had more success in transforming the space of the L Train by turning it into a pop-up eatery.

Now if either of these had been blended with a mariachi band, I'd say we'd seen everything. Except that on the L Train just about anything is possible, so even that wouldn't be unexpected.


  1. Mariachi is always the best surprise riding the train; if only the surprise mariachi was everywhere in life...

    ...on the elevators at work, walking through Duane Reade, under the trees in Central Park. Maybe even in the Suburbs, outside of Starbucks, playing for your exercise class in the gym... sigh.

  2. not even a smile, how funny


Are your neighbors giving you sideways glances?