Sunday, August 29, 2010


I met the Boy in the Checkered Shirt at Brooklyn Fire Proof on Sunday night, where he had been dancing up a storm in this heatwave.  From there we went with two friends to Roberta's for a late dinner. 

It's taken me some time to come around to Roberta's. I first noticed the hardly noticeable sign over the door of the cement block building, tucked away behind an ATM machine, about two years ago.  Without windows or an indication of the type of business, I kept walking. 

Finally, out of curiosity mainly, I walked in one day and was surprised to find the joint jumping and a wood-burning pizza oven.  They also have a garden and greenhouse and a sound studio.  I'm not sure what goes on in the studio. 

The Boy loves the pizza here, more than at Motorino, so it's usually the first place in the neighborhood he recommends. 

Between the four of us, we shared two White&Green pizzas and a Margherita.

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